Pagina dell'episodio'

1x19 - Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Grudge! Kurogane House's Longest Day (First Part)

Poster della serie Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Kouji and Tsubasa returned to Kurogane house. Tsubasa became sick after the battle with the last Kedora and appeared to be hallucinated and acting strange. This is done by Pygman's voodoo powers. She saw first the ghost of her brother Tetsuya who appears to have a grudge with Kenzo Kabuto. Back at Bardos island, Dr. Hell vows revenge to Nishikiori Tsubasa. Baron Ashura had escaped from Bardos island after realizing she was tricked and betrayed the Mycenae empire. Count Brocken with the help of Pygman devised a plan to trick Tsubasa and the rest into revealing the whereabouts of the Japanium ore, the source of Photon energy. Baron Ashura was spotted and fell of a cliff. Pygman disguises himself as Baron Ashura. Kouji immediately came into the rescue of Baron Ashura by catching them using the Hover Pilder. Baron Ashura was brought into Kurogane house to hide. Meanwhile, Tsubasa continued to have hallucinations about the past and Kenzo Kabuto.

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8 Agosto 2009
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