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1x19 - Ministério do Tempo

Until Time Tear Them Apart (1212/2016)

Poster della serie Ministério do Tempo

In 2016, Cristina and Afonso are preparing for a romantic weekend in Palmela. In 1212, Sancho, a poor shepherd, and Constança, the bride of a nobleman, swore vows of eternal love. Clemente, the noble, picks them up. And without mercy, he kills Sancho, saves Contança's life, and forced her to marry him. 2016, Afonso feels lost with Cristina. His medieval ways become increasingly difficult to hide. In desperation, he asks Amélia, Tiago, and Irene to join them. 1212. Even being forced to marry Clemente, Constança is determined not to spend her wedding night with her husband. Desperate, she runs away. In 2016, Tiago, Amélia and Irene arrive at the hotel where Afonso and Cristina are staying. Cristina is happy to meet Afonso's friends. And this one is relieved to have allies there. In 1212, Constança flees to the dungeons of the castle. When she leans against a wall, it opens, revealing a secret passage... which gives directly to 2016. Without realizing what is happening, Afonso, Cristina and Irene prepare to watch a theatre play. Tiago and Ameélia are alone. When it seems that finally their differences are set aside, and nothing will prevent them from giving the long-awaited kiss, Amélia sees Constança on top of the castle tower, preparing to commit suicide. Meanwhile, Clemente discovers the time door used by Constança. Determined to recover his bride, he crosses it. While Amélia and Tiago prevent Constança's suicide... Clemente and his men are seen as the actors on the theatre play. Hotel guests judge to be attending a performance. But Afonso and Irene are not fooled. And when Clemente threatens to take Cristina for his time, so that she becomes his wife, Afonso knows he has to intervene... Even if that action reveals to Cristina more about himself than he would like.

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