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1x2 - The Family

Episode 2

Poster della serie The Family

Devin's arrival at the dinner table is enough for Hulya to see her as a threat. Hülya decides to apply the tactic she knows best: keeping her friends close and her enemies closer... As a first step, she invites Devin to an event of the association she founded. Aslan's focus is to get his family out of illegal business. One of the most important steps of this operation; is to become a partner in the company of young business person Atilla Özyılmaz. Aysel, who has an accident, receives a helping hand from Cihan. Devin makes a decision after what happened at the event she attended with Hülya. But on his first night with Aslan, she succumbs to the attraction between them and is confronted with Aslan's unexpected move. Between the two, the ropes come to a breaking point. However, what happens at a surprise dinner table where they come together pushes Devin to make a big decision about her life. This decision will be the most important breaking point in Aslan and Devin's journeys.

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14 Marzo 2023
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