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1x2 - Farewell Letter

Episode 2

Poster della serie Farewell Letter

Alanur said, “Keep your son away from my daughter. I don't have a daughter to give you." Ziya Karlı, on the other hand, responds: "We certainly do not have such an intention. Also, Mehmet is engaged and getting married soon.” Aslı's head and heart are mixed because of the marriage proposal she received when she least expected it. The tension increases even more when Mehmet takes Aslı back to his home. Mehmet tells Alanur that he wants to marry her daughter and that they will soon come to ask for it, taking his family with him. Having an outburst of anger, Alanur confronts Ziya years later by trampling on her pride to prevent this marriage. Aslı, on the other hand, is shocked to learn about her mother's mysterious past, which she hid from everyone. While Hatice is looking for ways to win back Mehmet, who has slipped away from them, Aslı is on the verge of making a very important decision.

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6 Marzo 2023
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