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1x2 - Desert Rose

Episode 2

Poster della serie Desert Rose

Lucy wakes the next morning to discover that Rosie has not come home. Captain Williams arrives at the farmhouse to break the news of the car accident. Gus prepares to resign from his job because of what Rosie has on him but he is let off the hook when news of Rosie's death filters through the school. Gus gives Lucy a lift home from school and she kisses him. Later, Patti is suspicious when she finds ice cream on her husband's collar. Ishara returns to the family home to find her siblings making plans after Rosie's loss. Jana partners with Thorne, a scam artist, to sell the farmhouse and escape. Meanwhile, Van As sends a thug called Bertus to force Freddy out of hiding. Bertus arrives at the house to kidnap Lucy but he is confronted by Ishara and a bloody Nama spear.

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9 Giugno 2022
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