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1x2 - The Apprentice

Child's play

Poster della serie The Apprentice

In the second episode of The Apprentice the boys didn't tell the girls the phone call had come through and cheekily left them in bed. They had just 20 minutes to leave the house when they finally woke up. The two teams, boys v girls, had two days to research, design, make and present a new children's toy. The girls chose Lindsay as their team leader she was determined to choose a toy she had invented. Secret Signals were cards for children to make semaphore signals. She even imposed it on the rest after both the team and a group of children had voted it down. Raj was chosen as Impact project manager as he had some experince in this field. First Forte wasted a lot of time on another toy, a robot, that may well have won if Lindsay had not enforced her preference on the others. The boys developed an electronic game. Both teams presented their games to senior executives at a games company who recommended the boys' game should win.

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23 Febbraio 2005
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