Pagina dell'episodio'

1x21 - Tracker

What Lies Beneath

Poster della serie Tracker

Nestov warns Cole that Zin has created a gun that permanently nullifes Cirronian energies, turning them into normal humans for good. The two break into one of Zin's bases and steal it...only for Nestov to turn around and shoot Cole with it! He also takes Mel captive and ties them up, then invites Zin into the Watchfire and gives him her grandmother's key. They manage to get free and when Mel wields the Collector (which can only be triggered by Cirronian energies) she activates it! Cole finally figures out that Mel and her ancestors were part of a Mygar breeding program. She ""jump starts"" him back into his energized state, while Zin unearths the vault beneath the Watchfire and goes down into it. Mel and Cole defeat Zin's henchmen (with Mel using the Collector on one of them!). Nestov reveals he was actually planning a triple-cross, and was hoping Zin would leave. Unfortunately, Cole determines the Vardian device is a universal-destructor unit that Zin plans to use to gain absolute power

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27 Maggio 2002
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