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1x22 - Lost in Love

Episode 22

Poster della serie Lost in Love

Naz's announcement that they are divorced shakes Filiz, but her announcement of the news on her own enrages Mete. Mete and Naz, who become the center of all the reactions to this development that fall like a bomb on the agenda of the families, are forced to renounce the financial opportunities provided to them. Mete and İncila are preparing to take steps that will excite them for the future. Naz, who decides to stand on her own feet, faces the fact that real life is not as easy as she thought, while Kadir, who wants to help her, finds a way to help her. As the closeness between Kadir and Naz grows stronger and stronger, this situation starts to attract everyone's attention. Count Ziya learns that something is going on between Mete and İncila and decides to take care of the situation. As Mete and İncila strive for the day when they will be reunited, they are unaware that there are many more plans for them.

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28 Marzo 2024
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