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1x23 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Do You Know the Mullet Man?:Mark F.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Freddy Krueger's alive!how? he created Mark,whose hair is one of Kyan's nightmares.It is a mullet,kept together with loads of cheap products.Mark's stepdaughter Karly is leaving for college,and just before that its her 18th birthday and Mark is changing himself as his present.Problems:his clothes are either super dressy or complete slob,his house is gorgeous except the kitchen,and he likes being a guest more than a host.So Carson gets him sports wear(casual blazers, button up shirts),Jai tells him that he should try and connect more with Karly and to demonstrate that takes him to a rock gym which is all about trust when belaying. He also gets gift bags for the kids at the surprise party that night and shows Mark his present :a real Kate Spade bag.Kyan kills the mullet (yeah!) and gets him to cut off the mustache he has had forever making him look at least 10,15 years younger. Ted shows Mark how to make pizza,and Thom puts in new appliances in the kitchen, he also redoes Karly's room an

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6 Aprile 2004
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