Pagina dell'episodio'

1x24 - Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Verge Of Death! All-Out Attack Dr. Hell!

Poster della serie Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Dr. Hell launched his full attack. Count Brocken in his flying Ghoul and Pygman using the new submarine Bood. At the Kurogane house, the whole gang has prepared for the final assault. Django and Gamia Q3 were imprisoned by Sensei and Django as ordered by Tsubasa as they can't trust Kenzo Kabuto. Kouji arrives at the place where Dr. Hell and Baron Ashura had issued the one-on-one challenge. Much to his dismay, Baron Ashura was not there and several mechanical beasts are waiting to ambush Mazinger Z. It was revealed that Dr. Hell challenged Kouji to keep him busy so he would not interfere with his attack elsewhere. Pygman tries to take advantage and tried to kill Sayaka. Lori and Loru arrives to stop Pygman and rescue Sayaka. Pygman attacks the Photon laboratory using his control of animals. Manwhile, Kouji is losing the battle with the mechanical beasts. Tsubasa activated several bombs in Atami destroying several robots of Baron Ashura.

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12 Settembre 2009
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