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1x3 - The Lying Game

Double Dibs

Poster della serie The Lying Game

After revealing Sutton's real relationship with Ethan, the Mercers insist she invite him over for dinner. Hesitant because of his obvious feelings for Emma, Ethan obliges, only to have the dinner cut short by a disturbing visit from Dan. As Emma and Ethan struggle to keep order in Arizona, Sutton and Thayer discover shocking revelations in Los Angeles pertaining to the search for the girls' birth mother. Although the outcome may not turn out to be what Sutton had hoped for, it does lead her to wonder what everyone around her has been hiding for all these years. Will Sutton be able to find the answer about why she and Emma were separated, or will her curiosity put her and her loved ones' lives in danger? Meanwhile, Laurel falls for a new guy in school hoping she will finally have something of her own, as opposed to always being in Sutton's shadow. Unfortunately her wishful thinking is cut short when Char calls dibs on the one Laurel did not want to share.

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29 Agosto 2011
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