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1x3 - The Walking Dead - Webisodes

The Oath - TWD

Poster della serie The Walking Dead - Webisodes

The webisodes begin with Paul and Karina's camp being overrun by a horde. The duo flee the camp, leaving behind a fatally wounded female survivor for the "decays". The following morning, while searching for a car, Paul picks a revolver off of a nearby corpse, and Karina, within the next minute, the keys to a nearby car. While searching, it is revealed that Paul was heavily cut on the torso while they were running from the walkers. Upon discovering this, an already-dazed Paul rides in back while Karina follows a map that they discovered to find any nearby medical stations. After searching through several overrun stations, they eventually arrive in one hospital that is seemingly clear of walkers. Karina clears the debris that was being used to block the doors and pulls out a wheelchair, which she uses to move Paul around as they search the hospital for medical supplies

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1 Ottobre 2013
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