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1x3 - All That


Poster della serie All That

Opening: The show is about to start, but none of the cast members are ready. Alisa is on the treadmill, Josh and Kel are in a hot tub, and Katrina is handcuffed to the stairs. Ishboo: Ishboo is a foreign exchange student that has come to live with an American family. But his customs are a little more foreign that anyone could have imagined. Vital Information With Lori Beth Denberg Lemonade Scammer: Katrina scams people out of their money by charging extra for a cup, ice, and sugar. Superdude: Little Sally is trapped in the bathroom. But have no fear, because this is a job for Superdude, the teenager superhero with powers that can only be defeated by milk. Lemonade Scammer: Little Katrina gives away free peanuts that were soaked in jalapeno pepper juice in order to entice people to buy her lemonade...at any cost! Mavis and Clavis stumble into TLC's dressing room where they teach a new song, Creep. Lemonade Scammer: Katrina manages to scam TLC out of some money

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7 Gennaio 1995
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