Pagina dell'episodio'

1x3 - From Paris to Rome with Bettany Hughes

Florence, Lake Como, Milan

Poster della serie From Paris to Rome with Bettany Hughes

On her travels, Bettany encounters the stunning beauty of Venice's canals, visits the sumptuous Lake Como and cruises down the Seine in Paris — all in her search for the good things in life. This is a rich treat-filled adventure revelling in all that makes life worth living. Bettany's third foray to discover the secrets of the good life begins in Florence, one of Italy's most beautiful cities. Bettany comes face to face with one of her favourite paintings, Botticelli's masterpiece The Birth of Venus, and she indulges in a classic Florentine chocolate treat at Cafe Rivoire. Paying homage to Michelangelo's David, Bettany reveals how the artist tricked the statue's commissioners with sleight of hand and a handful of marble dust when they questioned its perfection. She discovers the delights of the spectacular sanctuary that is the beautiful Boboli Gardens. And as the sun sets, Bettany sees for herself just how delicious Italian life can be as she enjoys a sumptuous dinner date overlooking

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14 Ottobre 2022
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