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1x3 - Unforgiven

Episode 3

Poster della serie Unforgiven

Sally Wainwright's gripping, touching thriller ends as we find out what really happened all those years ago in that grey farmhouse on the moors, when two police officers were murdered. Suranne Jones continues to be pitch-perfect as Ruth Slater - released from prison on licence after 15 years - who is searching for self-assurance and a place in a life that's never really been her own. Just watch her fearful, tentative mask crack when she finally hears news of her beloved sister Katie, who was adopted, renamed Lucy and is now studying music at university. Ruth, often baffled by the modern world, is painfully in need of friendship, which finally comes from an unlikely quarter when the son of one of her victims attempts to extract a dreadful revenge. This is popular drama at its best. More, please.

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26 Gennaio 2009
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