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1x31 - Happiness Charge Precure!

An Unexpected Partnership!? Cure Honey and Phantom!

Poster della serie Happiness Charge Precure!

Phantom, who was knocked unconscious in the previous battle, is taken in by the girls to have his injuries treated. Yuko decides to take over looking after Phantom, leading to some misinterpretations from the other girls. When asked by Phantom as to why she bothers to help him, Yuko rekindles memories of a dog who got into an accident, which inspired her to develop her cooking skills and nurse him back to health. Despite the dog passing away two years ago, Yuko remained determined to use her food to help those in need, be they friend or foe. Just as Phantom reveals the only way to undo the sealing curse on Maria and the other defeated Pretty Cures is to defeat him, the Cures are alerted to an attack by Oresky and his Tree Saiark. While Megumi, Hime, and Iona fight against Oresky, Yuko encourages Phantom to put aside his hatred for Blue and return safely to Mirage's side, before joining the others in defeating the Saiark.

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7 Settembre 2014
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