Pagina dell'episodio'

1x4 - Absolutely Fabulous

Iso Tank

Poster della serie Absolutely Fabulous

Patsy helps Edina break in her new isolation tank upstairs, while Saffron works with classmates on a presentation for her sixth form college's open day. Edina is left feeling useless after Bubble, now a dedicated professional, takes charge of the office. She takes a sudden interest in Saffron's presentation and begs to be invited to the open day. When Saffron vehemently refuses, Edina throws a tantrum and threatens to adopt a Romanian orphan—to the point of instructing Bubble to send over a selection of babies so she can pick one. She then frantically tries to cancel the deal, but it is too late. Saffron eventually allows Edina to attend the open day. However, the presentation is interrupted as the babies arrive and start wailing, angering Saffron. Edina then wakes up in a panic, still in her isolation tank, and realises it was all a dream.

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3 Dicembre 1992
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