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1x4 - Mine All Mine

Episode 104

Poster della serie Mine All Mine

Following their inheritance of Swansea, Val searches for a new house for the family while Max dreams up elaborate plans to improve the city. After working alongside Iris, Max agrees to have dinner with her one night where he ends up pouring his heart out about Val's affair – information Iris is soon secretly retelling to a devious Stella who plans to use it to her to her advantage. Sam tries to make amends with Max by introducing him to his new girlfriend, but Val soon learns she was just a ploy for Sam to get her back and so pays him a visit along with Myrtle and Bronwen who threaten to ruin Sam's career if he doesn't stay away from Val. Meanwhile Gethin is delighted when he manages to land his future father-in-law as an account, and soon uncovers the secret business that Leo has been running under Max's name, as well as Leo's bank account of £30,000. Sensing an opportunity, Gethin tips off the police to search Leo's premises where they discover unlicensed tortoises on the property, l

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16 Dicembre 2004
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