Pagina dell'episodio'

1x4 - Good Luck Girl!

He Shrank!

Poster della serie Good Luck Girl!

Momiji ends up summoning the masochistic dog god, Momou Inugami, and has him transform into a puppy so he can get close to Ichiko and attempt to steal her fortune. However, Momou finds that getting the fortune off of Ichiko isn't as easy as it looks. As Momou observes Ichiko's behaviour, she notices her personality is different when reading letters from Suwano. That night, as Momou activates a Misfortune Item to spread misfortune, the box containing Suwano's letters falls from the top of the desk, and is thrown away by the cleaners the next day. When Ichiko learns of this, she goes to the trash dump and spends the entire night searching for the box, much to Momou's surprise. Against his better judgement, Momou finds the box for Ichiko. As Momou deduces that Ichiko may not be such a bad person after all, his cover is blown when he reverts to human form, prompting a swift punishment from Ichiko.

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26 Luglio 2012
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