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1x4 - Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Part Four

Poster della serie Tess of the D'Urbervilles

After her father takes ill and dies, Tess finds herself penniless having breached her worked contract. Alec D'Uberville hasn't stopped pursuing her and offers to take care of her mother, brothers and sisters but she rejects him. Homeless, they set up camp at D'Urberville manor and Alec tells her she has no choice but to succumb to his wishes. Meanwhile, Angel Clare returns from Brazil having contracted yellow fever and in poor health. He sets about looking for Tess but by the time he finds her, she is well established as D'Uberville's mistress. Still in love with Angel, she takes a drastic step before running away with him. They then have only a few days together before it all comes to its inevitable end.

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5 Ottobre 2008
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