Pagina dell'episodio'

1x4 - Punch Line

Possessed by the Stripes

Poster della serie Punch Line

In a flashback, a boy named Pine asks a girl named Guriko to run away from a laboratory with him, while another girl, Chiyoko, sings a song. In present time, as Rabura prepares for a date with a man named Gliese, Yūta discovers that a girl included on a list of names posted by QMay has been found dead, with Ito's name also featured on that list. Yūta manages to use cinnamon power to possess Rabura's body, but fails to warn the others about the trouble Ito is in before its effects run out. After meeting with Rabura, Gliese reveals he is from the NSA, and is trying to contact Meika so she can hack the Qmay group's virus before it can disrupt a satellite meant to intercept the meteor. They are interrupted by Kenji, who is thwarted by Rabura, before all the girls end up getting into a fight. Later, Yūta recognizes a song that Mikatan sings as the one Chiyoko sang.

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1 Maggio 2015
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