Pagina dell'episodio'

1x4 - El amor invencible

"¡Tus hijos están vivos!"

Poster della serie El amor invencible

Leona begs Gael for a job interview. Columba warns Gael that he is forbidden to hire women as consultants. Gael agrees to a meeting with Leona and arranges to meet her at his house. Itzel tells her parents that she met two members of the Torrenegro family. Ramsés surprises his family with his arrival. David shows Leona a photo of them when they were teenagers, he assures her that he has not stopped loving her and steals a kiss, she asks for time. Gael has a confrontation with Ramsés. Consuelo reveals to Marena that she had to lie to her to save her life. Ramsés, feeling the love of his granddaughter Ana Julia, reveals to her that she will be the only heir. Adrián confesses to Leona that her children are alive, but asks her to call him David for security reasons.

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23 Febbraio 2023
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