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1x4 - The Beauty of The Game

Episode 4

Poster della serie The Beauty of The Game

When FUNG was slapping MAN, a staff of the studio has secretly videotaped the scene. When he shows it to his colleagues, LAM immediately offers a hundred thousand dollars to buy his mobile phone since FUNG is her competitor for the Award of Best Actress. When the incident is uncovered, the press hotly pursues FUNG and asks if she has avenged MAN for the sake of her personal enmities. When LAM reveals to FUNG that she has exposed the matter to the press, FUNG determines to take revenge on LAM. YUE wants to visit FONG and clarify since she meets FUN and KWONG inside a cafe and finds their receding figures look very familiar. YEE is terrified after receiving a phone. So MAN accompanies YEE back home and discovers her secrets. LI CHUEN-HOI is an extra; he brings TENG to visit HUNG. TENG is terribly uneasy to see how much the wounded leg has hurt HUNG. Inside the dressing room, MAN and YEE offend FUNG again……

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17 Dicembre 2009
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