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1x4 - The Blood Sisters


Poster della serie The Blood Sisters

Pretending to be Dr. Carrie is tough for Erika. She manages to get out of performing a cesarean section but doesn’t think she can continue with the charade much longer, she barely finished high school. Meanwhile, without giving herself away, she subtly asks her father if she has a twin. Her question reminds Norman of a secret he is keeping and brings him back to that fateful day he abducted Carrie from Adele. The Almedas have been searching for Adele after their surrogacy agreement fell through 8 months ago. They finally track her down in Davao. As Norman and his men fan the city to locate her, Norman reaches Adele at her home and takes Carrie, while Norman’s men snatch Erika from her grandmother in the wet market nearby. Unaware that Adele has triplets, Norman informs his men that he already has the child. Thinking they made a mistake, his men abandon Erika in an empty carton in the garbage dump. Meanwhile, Norman brings the infant home to a joyous Debbie. Elsewhere in Baguio, Agatha is not looking forward to meeting her mother who has been working abroad for the past 20 years. Adele is anxious about her relationship with Agatha.

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15 Febbraio 2018
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