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1x4 - The Amazing Race

Colossal Showdown

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

The teams start off at the Chateau Les Baux in Paris, France. The first task is to find a man in a red hat, standing under a miniature Arc de Triomphe. All they have to discover where the man is located, is a flag and a picture of the man. It seems clear that the alliance between Frank/Margarita, Rob/Brennan and Joe/Bill has officially crumbled. The teams discover that the flag is from Tunisia. Before this discovery, some guess Turkey or Morocco. Paul/Amie at departure, notice the cab they had previously ordered the night before is not there. This causes some anger and Paul debates quitting. All the teams must get to Tunisia. Most take plane but some take boat. When they find the man, they are given a Detour. They must take a ""Full Body Massage"" or ""Full Body Brew"", involving coffee. They must with the given map find one of these two places in busy crowded streets. When these tasks are completed they must get to El Jem Coliseum. There they must run around the coliseum and most find a s

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3 Ottobre 2001
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