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1x44 - Happiness Charge Precure!

The New Threat!? Red Saiark!!

Poster della serie Happiness Charge Precure!

With Mirage free from evil's grip and the Blue Sky Kingdom returned to normal, the girls decide to have a pajama party to celebrate their victory. The next morning, Seiji, noticing Megumi looking down, takes her out on the town to clear her mind. When asked whether or not saving everyone has made her truly happy, Megumi confesses that she is heartbroken over Blue choosing Mirage over her and lets out her feelings. Just then, a powerful Red Saiark appears before Megumi as the mysterious youth attempts to use his influence to put her under his control, but Seiji's voice helps Megumi regain her senses and remove the red crystal that was manipulating her. Accepting the pain of lost love to pursue true happiness, Megumi fights back against the Red Saiark and manages to defeat it with the other Cures. The mysterious youth is encountered by Blue, revealed to be named Red as he decides to go after Seiji.

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14 Dicembre 2014
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