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1x5 - Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World

Save Our Seamen

Poster della serie Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World

How can the West Lahunga Gang bring a child into the world if they can’t even get along? On a Cruisey Cruise gay family six-for-five deal, including the Seamen Dance, Vagina Appreciation Seminars, and a Mommy Boot Camp, that’s how. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Except scurvy. On board the US Corybungus, they must deal with Rick's ex-boyfriend Hunter (a strict rice queen), a stowaway Condi, and a transvestite cruise director. And, boy, are there a lot of groovy dentists on this ship. When the ship is marooned on a giant Mexican iceberg, it looks like they’re all going down together. But Hunter steps up to the plate much to Steve’s chagrin and, whilst the booze is running out, the rainbow brigade come up with some creative rescue plans. The result? Some girl on girl action and at least one damaged chopper.

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14 Agosto 2007
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