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After the trio fights a new form of Betrayer robot modeled to look like someone Sarge once knew they travel to the surface to find the factory where the Baileys create the Betrayers. They find a village of people who are willingly sacrifice themselves to the Baileys, believing that the aliens will take them back to the Mother Planet where they'll be reunited with old friends. Unfortunately the next to be chosen is Lily, Sarge's younger sister. Sarge rescues her sister and the trio go into the woods with Baileys and miniature attack drones firing at them. They escape and come up with a plan; Sarge will take the place of her sister, allowing Hel and Cleo to track her to the Betrayer factory and destroy it. Cleo uses a bunch of old science fiction film concepts to convince Lily (who still believes the Baileys are good) to help them and they return to the village. But at the last minute, Lily senses that Cleo and Sarge lied to her and pushes her sister off the ascension platform. As Sarge

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14 Febbraio 2000
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