Pagina dell'episodio'

1x50 - Come Home Love

Under the Same Roof

Poster della serie Come Home Love

LAI-SHEUNG gains money from the stock market and she prepares a seafood dinner for everyone. MA CHONG has got some tips of the stock market and LAI-SHEUNG follows him but she loses money this time. During dinner, she only prepares vegetables and fermented bean curd to everyone. LAI-SHEUNG learns that CHUNG BIU has mortgaged his flat to the bank so that he could buy some shares according to the tips provided by MA KEUNG. She wants MA KEUNG to swear that he will not help CHUNG BIU even if he loses money. MA KEUNG asks MA CHONG to go to Treasure Hunt. They learn that CHUNG BIU is asking the property agent to rent his place and MA CHONG has an idea. MA CHONG brings SHEUNG-YAU to CHUNG BIU's home and SHEUNG-YAU decides to rent the flat. However, SHEUNG-HO objects the idea and she threatens SHEUNG-YAU that she will stop giving him pocket money. SHEUNG-YAU is independent eventually and he invites all male colleagues to his place……

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20 Luglio 2012
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