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1x6 - Tokyo Vampire Hotel

episode 6

Poster della serie Tokyo Vampire Hotel

Emperor Yamada (Masunosuke Mitsushima) who suppressed the man who tried to escape from the Tokyo Vampire Hotel will glimpse the outside world to people who do not believe the end of the world. It was Tokyo where the burning fire spread endlessly. Yamada asks for a submissive man seeking to have a couple in time and have sex. If it does not hold it tells that death is waiting, a man and a woman are tied together randomly. They are prospering human beings with supervision while watching with supervision, and there is no way to survive only to continue to provide blood to Yamada et al. Vampire Kolvin forever. Captured Manami (Taketo Aya) begins to arouse the original blood force as Elisabeth Bartley (Megumi Kagurazaka) and others sucked blood. K, on ​​the other hand, is drawn into the rift of the hotel wall. It was a human living hell whose people dropped out from hotel life were pushed in. Among them K knows the identity of Tokyo Vampire Hotel.

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16 Giugno 2017
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