Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - Tears to Tiara

Callous Valley

Poster della serie Tears to Tiara

The girl arrives on shore and reveals her name to be Llyr who is from a faerie tribe. She has come to celebrate the return of Arawn and is at his disposal from now on. Llyr helps the group hunt crabs. Arawn finds seal skin and they use it for a fire. At night, Llyr requests a leave of absence as she tells everyone that she lost her precious clothing which is important to her tribe. If she doesn't have her clothing, she can't return to her homeland. It turns out that her precious clothing was actually the seal skin that Arawn had burned. Ogam reveals that in her tribe if a man takes a womans clothing and can not return it, they become engaged. Therefore, Llyr is now "engaged" to Arawn. Llyr trvels back home with the group but proves to be bad at chores and housework. Meanwhile a group of soldiers and a knight named Octavia from the Empire find a wheel from the carts the Gael tribe took. The troop of soldiers head into the forest and are ambushed by the Gael tribe. After the death of many soldiers, Octavia takes command and orders a retreat. At the rope bridge, Octavia's superior cuts the bridge leading to several soldiers falling.

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11 Maggio 2009
Questo sito non serve a guardare Serie TV, ma solo a segnarle come "viste" per tenerne traccia!
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