Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - The Bronx Zoo

Runaway Hearts

Poster della serie The Bronx Zoo

Jack has a physical for his wife's insurance policy, and is told he's in poor health. Harry unloads a troublemaker, Johnny, in Sara's class, because none of the other English teachers want him. Johnny walks out, and Sara tells him to never come back. Joe finds a way to get rid of Mr. Kaczmarek -- if his students don't pass a test Joe plans to personally give them, so long. Matthew follows Mary Caitlin, and discovers a secret she was trying to keep from the rest of the faculty -- she's participating in a church-sponsored program for runaway youths. Charlie has it out with Harry because he's stuck working in the rubber room pending an investigation. Mary Caitlin tries to no avail to help out one of the runaways, Sandy, who's got severe issues concerning her parents. Johnny begs Harry to give him another chance in Sara's class -- at least she was honest enough to say she doesn't like him. Mary Caitlin is angry to find out Matthew followed her, and confesses that she hasn't spoken to her m

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22 Aprile 1987
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