Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - Michael: Every Day

Hodophobia (2)

Poster della serie Michael: Every Day

After an interesting night at the truck stop dive bar, David and Michael wake up in a motel in the middle of nowhere with a local stripper. Unfortunately, Michael remembers everything, and David remembers nothing; truth is…David’s an alcoholic. But is anyone surprised? It turns out that Dr. Wasserman, who is stranded in the middle of nowhere, wasn’t the only one David called in his drunken nightmare. Sammy shows up at the motel to drive David and Michael to Sudbury for Michael’s presentation. During his presentation Michael has an epiphany: is he really afraid of flying or is there another fear lingering inside him? Meanwhile, Michael isn’t the only one with a change. David begins to come to terms with his own issues. With both of them accepting reality, the question is whether the therapeutic process ever really ends?

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29 Gennaio 2017
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