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1x6 - Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Fire! Photon beam!!

Poster della serie Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Starting out approximately one day after the events of the previous battle, Kouji has been taken into custody by Ankokuji, while Shiro remains at the police station, as Ankokuji argues with Kouji about just how responsible he was for Atami's destruction. Meanwhile, Sayaka and the Mazinger Corp. have returned to the Photon Research Facility, and consider the sheer power of Mazinger Z, reflecting on Kouji's outburst the night before. Dr. Hell, Count Brocken, and Baron Ashura also reflect upon their previous defeat while on board the Flying Fortress, Ghoul. Later, Prof. Yumi tells Sayaka of his early work with Dr. Kabuto: Their discovery of Japanium, Juuzou's sudden disappearance, and the fact that he, in truth, chose to perform the Photon Energy tests in Atami in order to lure Dr. Kabuto out, so that they could complete their research together.

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9 Maggio 2009
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