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1x6 - Go! Princess PreCure

Lesson Start! Aim to be a Grand Princess!

Poster della serie Go! Princess PreCure

With the Cures gathered together, Aroma announces that the girls must aim to become Grand Princesses, using the Princess Lesson Pad to call forth a fairy teacher named Miss Shamour. While Minami and Kirara show good promise in tea party etiquette, Haruka struggles to live up to the princess she admired in her storybooks. After their lessons, the girls are contacted by Kanata, who explains how Dys Dark took over the Hope Kingdom and trapped the dreams of all of its citizens. To fight this, Kanata instructs the girls to find the nine remaining Dress Up Keys, which spread across Earth when Dys Dark attacked, and use their power to become Grand Princesses. Their discussion is soon interrupted by the arrival of Dys Dark's third emmissary, Lock, who brings out a Baseball Zetsuborg. Using the courage Kanata gave her, Haruka manages to prove her worth and defeat the Zetsuborg.

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8 Marzo 2015
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