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1x6 - Poltergeist: The Legacy

The Twelfth Cave

Poster della serie Poltergeist: The Legacy

The Episode begins in the desert where a team of surveyers are digging in a cave. One of the men there finds a jar buried deep underground. He opens the jar and finds a scroll inside, he opens the scroll, and the writing on the scroll glows red. He seems to become hypnotised by it. He then murders his two colleagues. In the Legacy House, Derek tells the team that an old friend, Randolph Hitchcock, wants to donate an ancient artefact to the Luna Foundation. He wants to meet Derek and the rest of the team than night. When Randolph arrives, Derek tells the other Legacy members that Randolph was once a member of the Legacy, but he was forced out years ago. Randolph gives Derek the jar from the desert. Derek opens the jar and takes out the scroll. Randolph wants the Legacy to examine and preserve the scroll. On a dock, we see a man wearing a mask, holding a silver cross. back at the Legacy, Philip begins to examine the scroll. Derek tells Nick that he and Randolph were once best friends, at

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17 Maggio 1996
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