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1x7 - The Life and Times of Juniper Lee

Ding Dong the Witch Ain't Dead

Poster della serie The Life and Times of Juniper Lee

Many years ago, there once was an evil witch named Auntie Roon who battled the Te Xuan Ze of that time. She was defeated and also banished at the same time. Many years later, a 10th level Warlock has gotten together with a Pus Goblin and an Antelope Snake to release Auntie Roon where the sacred grounds are where the Orchid Bay Mall now stands. At the same time, June, Jody, Ophelia, and Roger try to get in line to get the latest album from the band called Ambiguous Angst. When Auntie Roon is released, she lifts the veil that was preventing the humans from seeing monsters and has her minions gather every teen and kid in one spot. How will June defeat Auntie Roon?

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10 Luglio 2005
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