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1x7 - Guerrilla Gardeners

Episode 7 – Randwick

Poster della serie Guerrilla Gardeners

On one of their searches for public eyesores, the Guerrillas come across the entrance to one of the nation’s chronically underfunded hospitals that is so ugly, you’d only expect to find it outside an abandoned building. The Guerrillas decide patients and hospital staff deserve better. To gather Intel about the site, Dave and Mickle go undercover as weed busters. But their technique must be suspect as they nearly get sprung by a couple of horticulturalists. On hit day, the Guerrillas pose as volunteers. They are challenged about what they are doing. But this time, it’s not by council rangers or police. A couple of unionists object to a group of ‘volunteers’ putting in a garden that could take jobs away from their members. The union heavies head straight to the hospital manager’s office to complain. Now it’s only a matter of time before the manager heads down to find out what the hell is going on.

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1 Aprile 2009
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