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1x7 - The Beauty of The Game

Episode 7

Poster della serie The Beauty of The Game

Lots of reporters are chasing after MAN about the inside story of how TENG has broken HUNG’s leg. MAN advises TENG to claim that he was incited by FUNG as to appeal for a commutation. LAM KING-YING is the assistant of FUNG; she suddenly turns up and states how HUNG used to corner FUNG in the past. When MAN tries to dig things out from her father, HUNG forbids MAN from asking about her past. FONG helps YUE do her housework and put her kitchen on fire. FUN is not happy when FONG wants him to offer his bedroom to YUE temporarily. YUE purposely teases FUN and makes him stay awake all night. MAN pumps YING and FUNG for more details about the past and gets to know that HUNG was very domineering once. She has played a trick to snatch away the role of Cixi from FUNG. MAN inquires into the cause of the matter, HUNG admits without hesitation that she has taken over the role and confesses that she used to be very selfish……

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22 Dicembre 2009
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