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1x7 - Tracker

Without a Trace

Poster della serie Tracker

Mel is talking with Det. Bruno, and how he's being taken off the investigation into the mysterious disappearance of her boyfriend, restaurant owner Rod Archer. Cole overhears the conversation and takes on the form of Archer. Mel is understandably upset, but then realizes what Cole has done. Cole can't reverse the transformation, and decides to investigate Rod's disappearance. Several folks working for gangster Marco Sylvestri start gunning for ""Rod"", and then Rod/Cole gets grabbed by the Feds and dropped off at a home 50 miles outside Chicago, and informed he is a member of the wintess protection program. Rod and the Feds faked his death so he could testify against Sylvestri. Rod has started up a new life, which includes a wife and newborn child. One of the Feds is a mole, and tells Sylvestri of Rod's location. Cole and Mel anonymously get Rod and his family out of the house. Cole-as-Rod takes his place, and fakes being killed by Sylvestri. while grabbing a piece of evidence and sendin

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14 Gennaio 2002
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