Pagina dell'episodio'

1x79 - Papás por conveniencia

Capítulo Final Parte 1 - ¿Guzmán fue quien abusó de ti?

Poster della serie Papás por conveniencia

Augusto realizes that Emi's wheelchair is loaded with explosives and, seeing that it will explode in a few seconds, saves Tino's son, but he is not so lucky. Clara Luz asks Lichita not to be afraid of Guzmán and to report him for what he did to Chofis. Accompanied by her daughter, she goes to the authorities and files a complaint against her attacker. Aidé prevents Guzmán from ending his project by announcing that she will return to Maxiclick as a shareholder, since Facundo has ceded all his rights to her. Lichita and her family interrupt Guzmán's hearing with Clara Luz to inform the judge that the man abused her trust, as well as that of her daughter, Chofis. Ulises, watching the live broadcast that Circe made where Guzmán is accused of abuse, manages to remember, thanks to a phrase, that it was his mother's ex-partner who touched him without his consent.

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9 Febbraio 2025
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