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1x8 - Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire

Wrath of the Gods

Poster della serie Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire

It is the beginning of the third century and Rome is in crisis. Ravaged by civil war and foreign invasions, it now faces an even greater challenge - the new religion of Christianity. When barbarian Goths attack the Empire's borders, and traitors rise against Emperor Philip, his trusted general Decius blames Philip's leniency toward the Christians. But Decius soon becomes a traitor, as well, as he faces Philip in battle, taking the crown for himself. As emperor, Decius sets out to win back the pagan gods' favour, and his reign's first victims are the Christians. Yet the wrath of the gods only continues as plague strikes and the Goths launch full-scale invasions into the Empire. Decius and his son, Herennius, are forced to meet the Gothic king, Cniva, in a deadly clash that will mark the first time a Roman emperor is ever killed by a barbarian in battle. Unfortunately for the Empire, it will not be the last.

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17 Novembre 2008
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