Pagina dell'episodio'

1x8 - Line Walker

Episode 8

Poster della serie Line Walker

In order to capture TAT-FU, CHEUK HOI carries out investigation at the warehouse and he is embroiled in a gangster fight accidentally. In order to rescue TAT-FU, KA-KEUNG fights against the gangsters with CHEUK HOI. FOON-HEI has established an unassailable position in the gang. He wants HO-KAN and KA-KEUNG to collaborate with each other. CHEUK HOI investigates the clues left by TAT-FU and he has new findings. FOON-HEI organizes a banquet for KA-KEUNG and other subordinates. SHIU-LEUNG suddenly arrives with a group of police officers and he brings SIN-YAN to HO-KAN deliberately. Senior management of ICAC asks SIN-YAN to stop her investigation on CHEUK HOI. SIN-YAN tries to air her grievances to SHIU-LEUNG and SHIU-LEUNG proposes marriage to her. SIU-KA's foster mother worries that KA-KEUNG will make SIU-KA die and she asks KA-KEUNG to separate with her. SIU-KA tries hard to speak for KA-KEUNG.… ...

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3 Settembre 2014
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