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1x8 - Melrose Place

Lonely Hearts

Poster della serie Melrose Place

While Sandy is hat-shopping with Rhonda, a cute guy named Paul sees her through the store window. He quickly asks her out, and she accepts. However, she soon realizes that there is no spark between them and tries to let him down gently. Paul can't seem to take the hint, and keeps showing up and trying to win her heart. Sandy becomes very uncomfortable, but her friends feel that Paul is a nice guy who deserves a chance. However, he soon begins calling her in the middle of the night. Jake promises to protect Sandy, and they discuss their dysfunctional relationship as they spend time together. Paul breaks into Sandy's apartment and covers her bedroom with flowers. Jake tracks him down and roughs him up, and winds up behind bars. Sandy angrily confronts Paul and convinces him to drop the charges and leave her alone. Meanwhile, Alison looks to replace her clunker car, ""Betsy."" However, she has a hard time letting go of her first car because of all the memories it holds.

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2 Settembre 1992
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