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1x8 - The Lost World

Out of Time

Poster della serie The Lost World

Roxton, Marguerite and Malone are mapping a series of caves, trying to find one that leads off the plateau without much luck. Marguerite, all the while, has been gathering gleaming gemstones in her backpack. At least she will not go back empty handed. A fog begins to fill the air around them...dense...deep fog. From out of the mist forms take shape: cloaked figures and eerie rock formations, encircling a stone slab. They find themselves surrounded by Druid-like figures who swarm over Marguerite. Roxton tries desperately to protect her, but she is torn from his grasp. The two men are restrained and Marguerite is carried away and deposited on the stone slab. It turns out that Marguerite figures in an ancient prophecy and that her fate has finally caught up with her, here. What it means, she must discover for herself, but it involves retrieving a sacred jemstone. She, along with Roxton and Malone, must go through several obstacles like headhunters and a leap of faith to accomplish Marguer

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6 Novembre 1999
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