Pagina dell'episodio'

1x8 - Penguindrum

Even if Your Love is a Lie, I...

Poster della serie Penguindrum

Ringo attempts to make a move on Tabuki only to find he is not there as his roof had a leak. The next day, Tabuki tells Shoma that he is moving in with Yuri, which does not settle well with Ringo, who later discovers her father consorting with another family. Undeterred, she visits Tabuki's new apartment whilst Yuri is on tour, using a special cake to drug Tabuki whilst she pretends to be Yuri in order to have sex with him. However, Shoma manages to regain his consciousness and delay Ringo enough before Yuri returns home. As Shoma tries to stop Ringo from taking things any further, her diary is knocked off and is later ripped in half by a passing motorcyclist when she tries to retrieve it. As the shock leads Ringo to walk into the path of an oncoming car, Shoma manages to push her out of the way but is hit himself.

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2 Settembre 2011
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