Pagina dell'episodio'

1x8 - The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura

It's Not a Date

Poster della serie The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura

After receiving a locket from Yoshihisa for her birthday, Haruka ends up getting a cold once October rolls in. As Yoshihisa decides to look after her, he discovers Haruka's cold is affecting her ability to read minds. As Haruka is unaware of this, Yoshihisa initially sees this as an opportunity to be as perverted as he wants, but can't bring himself to go through with it. Although Haruka eventually recovers from her cold, her ability has yet to. As punishment for lying to Haruka, Yuriko sets the two of them up on a date. They visit many different spots, with Haruka picking out a photo of the two of them to put in her locket. Near the end of the date, however, Haruka passes by someone and ends up reading horrifying, murderous thoughts, the shock of which causes her to fall unconscious.

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28 Febbraio 2013
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