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1x8 - Manyu Scroll

Chifusa Imprisoned

Poster della serie Manyu Scroll

Chifusa and Kaede run into Lord Hatomune Mie, who has escaped from his palace and disguised himself as a commoner to live a simple life in a village, where he has become a popular citizen. After receiving a tour of the town from Mie, Chifusa and Kaede depart but are soon stopped by a Manyu swordsman who attacks them and kidnaps Chifusa, taking her to the palace of a local lord. In the palace, the Manyu swordsman takes the Manyu scroll from Chifusa and begins to use the different techniques on her to test them out before returning her to the Manyu. Kaede asks Mie for help in rescuing Chifusa and the two break into the local lord's mansion, where Mie defeats dozens of the lord's soldiers and finally releases Chifusa from the dungeon where she is locked away. While Mie finishes off the local lord, Chifusa confronts the Manyu swordsman and kills him. After all three of them escape to safety, Chifusa rewards Mie by allowing him to play with her breasts, which Mie surprisingly refuses.

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29 Agosto 2011
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