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1x8 - Rental Magica

Hot Spring Magic

Poster della serie Rental Magica

he Astral members go to a hot spring in order to cure Itsuki's eye, as hot springs are situated on magical ley lines, but note that the magic is too weak. They travel up the mountainside, and Kuroha suggests a competition to find a ley line. Honami and Adilisia claim they are above it, but note that they would both want Itsuki's affection as their prize. When the competition starts, Honami and Adilisia try to find the hot spring, tearing the mountain apart in the process. The group then falls into a hole, where they find a rock that is causing the ley line to break. Combining their abilities, they levitate the rock, enabling the hot spring to regain its power. As the members return to the hot spring, Honami and Adilisia's fight causes the fence between the men's and women's baths to break, embarrassing everyone.

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25 Novembre 2007
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