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1x9 - Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'N Out

Kevin Hart, David Banner

Poster della serie Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'N Out

Kevin Hart Joins his black team crew in a game called "That's My Dog". That's where one team mate has to be a dog and the other has to be a person who tries to figure out what the person is saying. The Black Team wins that round. The next round DJ D-Wrek explains "The Questions Game" where a Red Team Mate and a Black Team Mate has to keep asking questions, and if one team mate doesn't know a question to ask the other team wins the point. The Red Team Wins the round. In the Next Game "60 Second Sequel" Both of the teams are giving a movie to make a sequel to. The Black Team Wins that round. In the last round "WildStyle", At the end the black team wins. David Banner get the crowd hyped with a song.

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22 Settembre 2005
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